Fire Protection Importance


Having a fire sprinkler system in your building or residence could be the difference between the fire department having to roll out their hoses or not. One small mistake can bring down years of your hard work, why not prevent total loss?

Why is this important?

Some people may conclude that fire sprinklers equal water damage but let us put this into perspective. One standard fire sprinkler spray releases between 8 to 24 gallons of water per minute compared to one fire hose delivering between 150 to 250 gallons of water per minute. Along side the amount of water projected, fire fighters must break down any damaged area to remove any possibility of reignition. At the end of the day having one sprinkler activate and controling a fire can be the difference between 150+ gallons of water to 10+ gallons of water per minute.


What Activates Fire Sprinklers?


When are Fire Sprinkler Required?